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Can You Hear The Sound?


by Grant Marshall


What will the coming months bring us? These days, we must realise that God’s people have been called to impact the times in which they live. Generations before us, we hope, have done their job and now the baton has been passed on. We are called to be nation changers and must be involved in serious attempts to bring about the things which God is asking us to do.

We forget, that we are conscripts into His army who have been given great responsibility.  As in all battles, soldiers need to regroup and survey positions, their losses and what remains of their ammunition and if necessary enter again into the field with reinforcements. 

If we are called as leaders, we must endeavour to hear from God to align our mission with His vision.

I have been reminded of a picture the Lord gave me. It was a scene of people holidaying on a beach. In the distance, a large wave was rising. Some saw the danger, and knowing what was happening, began to shout out, warning the beachgoers. Some paid attention and ran from the beach, others remained, determined to stay and continue their fun.

Friends, the warning shout has gone out, but has it been loud enough? People are seeing the times ahead. However, some minds seem to be still focused on their holiday reading. This wave of calamity is coming and God is causing it.

God’s children, the ecclesia, have much to repent of. Forgotten sins and not making restitution have created a tower that needs to be dealt with. It seems too much to contemplate. God’s mercy, through His judgements, allows us to be where we are today. Our nations have turned away from God’s word. That’s a fact. We may declare that we are holy, but what about righteousness and truth? What about living a repentant life, what about not wanting to be in the depths of a depraved and evil society?

We are, it would seem, living in Lot’s world. I believe these are the days of Noah and Lot, spoken about in Luke 17.

26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

28 “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulphur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.

The ecclesia has been involved in severe and aberrant practices that have had detrimental effects on the earth. History proves this. However, it has done wonderful and beautiful things, bringing many to Christ. In ancient times, and in the early Church, believers knew they were living in a dangerous world. But they were prepared to walk the walk.

We are called to be light carriers and teachers of the truth. Gideon’s army was small, and they carried the shofar and the light into battle. They are weapons of warfare that we need to hold too. It would be good to remind ourselves of this.

We also need to be like the builders in Nehemiah’s day, carrying swords and trowels, as we gather together to build God’s House, whilst defending ourselves.

Seeing some dystopian future ahead, people are departing or considering leaving these shores. On one hand, I think, ‘Yes please’ — why not be like the Pilgrim Fathers who found they could no longer live in an unholy land where they were restricted in practising their worship? It takes courage of the right kind. But on the other hand, I think there has to be resistance.

However, those, who have decided to depart the land, may be showing us a little wisdom. Some will not move out because of fear. God shows us signs and gives warning because of His grace. To ignore them puts us in a perilous place. We must learn from them, but some, having heard the shout, continue to gather further evidence and become procrastinators in the prophetic, gathering warning upon warning, saying upon saying and doing nothing in response. The spirit of delay is symptomatic of doubt, or not trusting God.

Please do not be an echo chamber, passing the word around. Be a voice piece for God. Make every effort to go into the secret place with the Lord and learn to hear His voice. Speak what you hear, it might be what someone needs to hear too. Listen to instructions and be an obedient servant. It will save your life and the lives of many.

Many people have been given resources to help the movement of God’s caravan, but they are holding on to what they have, either out of fear, or disbelief or maybe they are still waiting for yet another word that might suit them. 

We are called to be watchmen. We must relearn the sound of the trumpet blast telling us the enemy is near. Things are going to get tough and many believers will compromise their faith.

We must follow our King into battle and not be watchers from the sidelines. Are we prepared to pay the price for our victory?

In truth, our ancestors failed in much but also succeeded in much. Perhaps those who had the success were far braver than us.

These days, call for a different spirit, resolved direction and courage. I think we need a radical, revival that looks like a revolution. If we are to remain engaged in the war, we must fight the good fight, leaving the beach, the cosy couch and the warm church pew behind.

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