Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’ ” GENESIS 3:1
I want to share a dream sent to me by a beloved sister in the US.
In my opening verse from Genesis 3:1, I want us, for a moment, to consider the crafty means by which we see Eve, duped by the Serpent. In Revelation 12:9. it is revealed to us who this serpent is.
'And the great dragon was thrown down, the age-old serpent who is called the devil and Satan, he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.'
We should not be ignorant of who the deceiver is. His works are among the deeds of men for sure. The Holy Scriptures warn us from Genesis to Revelation how he will lead men away from the truth that comes from the light of God into the depths of the dark pit that he and his fallen ones inhabit. When men turn away from God, and doubt, or remove their trust in Him, the enemy, that slippery serpent is given authority to take with him all who come against the knowledge of the creator. These deprived minds are given over to Satan to be deceived. When God knows you don't want Him and what He has to offer, He will give you what you want. Those who put their trust in God remain in His shadow and protection. We must never doubt the protective covering of the Father, and we must be convinced that Satan can never stand in the light or upon the path of which the righteous walk.
The system of the Beast has been allowed to draw wickedness into it. It is a vacuous black hole for all those who do not trust in God and they will be forever separated from the divine presence of the Most High and His salvation. Though God allows this evil technological dragnet to do His work, in dredging the earth, we must remain defiant in acknowledging the truth when we stand in front of the serpent's convincing words, and remain cognisant of his hypnosis.
Friends, let us remain awake; the sleeping mind is vulnerable to the vibrations and frequencies Satan has employed to capture the imaginations of men. We are made in the likeness of the Creator, who has made all things through Him and for Him.
Watch over your minds, capture your thoughts and pursue the mind of Christ. God is calling us to holiness and we have been called to demolish the work of the enemy.
'How can I stop this?', you say. 'What Can I do?' you ask.
First, we acknowledge the power of God and the angels He sends to assist us who are fighting with us right now, but we need to remain operational in the communication link.
Use the authority given to you in prayer, fasting and worship. God responds to the cries of His people and His action will bring destruction upon those who are appointed to it.
Before we read our sister's account, Psalm 91 tells us of the perilous times ahead for us, and Psalm 23 tells us that we will, indeed, walk through the valley of shadows. But we must not be afraid.
The valley of shadows is where the fallen hide; it is the deceiver's ground. The good news is that this battle belongs to God and it has already been won. Let us rejoice and be glad, fellow soldiers of the Lord.
This is a warning. Do not be convinced!
Give the enemy no ground. His territory has already been sifted and allocated to the flame.
Awake Dream – 5/17/24
I stood in front of a Beast System AI. It was a debater AI where it got those that interacted with it to be convinced. It learns from each interaction and the process gets better and faster. At this point, I was put in front of it to debate it. I got the impression most people were already “deceived” and there were few of us still remaining that would need to go in front of it. The AI wouldn’t dare to ask me a question first. I started. I didn’t debate it, my first words were, “You will have to kill me.” The AI didn’t respond. My follow-up was, “Since you won’t convince me you will have to kill me.” The AI still didn’t have a retort. Then I said, “However, you can’t kill me without God allowing it.” “None of your witchcraft, technology, technology/witchcraft allows you to get to me.” “The power you have is on loan and temporary.” “You have no light, you were never alive because your father is darkness, his time is short.” “In eternity it is but a short time.” Then the AI angrily in one attack threw all these things at once to try and overwhelm me, meaning it was all these thoughts/ideas/questions in one split second.
“How do you know God is good?”
“Why would his judgement be good?”
“Why would you allow him to kill you?”
“The torture will be long and arduous; it will not be short.”
“If he loved you, he wouldn’t allow the torture.”
“Why do you still resist.”
Then God gave me revelation into the deep understanding of how we are holographic carriers, what this body is, how we truly are made in His image, and what light bodies are/look like. After the millennial reign, heaven and earth will be PUSHED away leaving the new heaven and earth with us and God. God also showed how He is forging us to withstand the shaking that is to come, which will allow us to enter into presence with him.
And then, there I was, back in front of the AI. End.
I don’t know if I was killed at that point.
Additional information: In this interactive vision, I knew that although the AI was known as a “debater” there was no actual debate. It was nothing like what AI is presented as now, a silly thing. It is very, very evil. It beams programming on a DNA level. The re-structuring, an incoherent vibration, distorts the information which is riding on a beamed vibration which changes the person’s image/body. It can’t “read” thoughts, it beams re-programing and gains knowledge based on response. I can’t describe the figure, or whether it was male. It was 3D but I knew it was coming out of an invisible screen because I had to stand in front of it to be exposed to the beams.